Dr. Collie Coleman and Dr. Robert L. Canida, II Award

This award was established by Mr. Robert Canida, the first African-American Director for UNCP’s Office of Multicultural and Minority Affairs, and Mrs. Annie Coleman, Assistant Dean of Research Services in the Mary Livermore Library at UNC Pembroke and widow of Dr. Coleman, in honor of her late husband, the first African-American Associate Vice Chancellor for Outreach at UNC Pembroke. The Donors wish to memorialize Dr. Coleman as a true educator, mentor, community activist, leader and visionary. Dr. Coleman will always remain in the hearts of those that truly knew him as “A Somebody!” The purpose of this fund is to provide an award to a member of UNC Pembroke’s National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) who exhibits academic excellence. In the event that the NPHC shall become non-existent, the Donors would like for the award to go to the office/department responsible for overseeing University Diversity Initiatives. The recipients of the Dr. Collie Coleman Award shall be natives of North Carolina; but there is no restriction to county. Recipients shall: (1) be undergraduate students in either the sophomore, junior or senior year of study; (2) maintain a 3.0 GPA; (3) be a current member of good standing of the UNCP National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC); and, (4) be of demonstrated financial need. The award, made in the spring of the year, is renewable
