Jump Start Scholarship

The Donor wishes to establish a scholarship designed for any student with a strong desire for an education and of financial need. The Jump Start Endowed Scholarship Fund is designed for persons who have a strong desire for a college education and want to give it a try. The Donor believes that often average students, who have the desire to work hard, are deserving of aid even though they may not be the most academically talented of students. Therefore the recipient(s) shall be undergraduate students who meet or exceed minimum University standards. The candidate may be a recent high school graduate or may have been out in the working world for several years. The high school record is not the basis for this scholarship (as long as the applicants have the minimum requirements for UNCP admission); it is based on motivation. The award is available to students for any year of study and any major. The scholarship application must contain a letter expressing the applicant’s desire for a college degree with the reasoning for this realization. The scholarship award shall equal tuition and fees for one semester to one student initially. If the candidate succeeds and motivation continues, the scholarship is renewed each semester as long as there are sufficient available funds.
